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  1. It is the policy of The Organisation to comply with the terms of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent legislation, to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose.

  2. The Organisation also recognises and accepts its responsibility to protect Health & Safety of all visitors to the workplace (including contractors, temporary staff and any members of the public) who might be affected by its activities.

  3. The Organisation also recognises and accepts its responsibility to protect health & safety of all its employees, volunteers, contractors, service users and visitors when undertaking activities outside the registered premises. The company will comply with the terms of the Health & Safety policy and procedures of the third party and carry our risk assessments as appropriate.

  4. The Organisation will ensure risk assessments are carried out as appropriate to ensure the needs of customers with disabilities and or learning difficulties are met and monitored.

  5. A copy of this policy will be issued to all members of staff and the policy will be kept up to date and the way in which it is operated will be reviewed each year.

  6. The responsibility for specific arrangements and implementation of the policy lies with the CEO.


This policy was last updated on 7 October 2024

Next update September 2025


Health and Safety Considerations for Volunteers

The safety of our volunteers is very important to us. Below you will find a number of points to
consider when delivering products on behalf of All Yours. Please read through them carefully, and
consider your own safety.

  • Identify the delivery address using an application like Google maps, to check you know where to go.

  • Think about your journey beforehand and whether there are issues to overcome, for example, unfamiliar rural areas may be safer to deliver to in daylight if you don’t know the country roads.

  • City or town centre deliveries may present some parking difficulties.

  • Let someone know where you are going.

  • Take your phone with you.

  • At the address, knock or ring, and either leave the pack on the doorstep (if it is possible to do so), or wait for a reply and hand the pack over. Either approach is fine, you should use the approach with which you are comfortable.

  • Never enter someone’s house, even if it appears safe to do so.

  • You may prefer to only do deliveries in daylight, in which case waiting for a weekend to make the delivery is fine.

  • If you are going at night, or are delivering to an area where you feel unsafe leaving your car, consider taking someone with you. Just make sure that they are aware of our Privacy Policy.

  • If the request is to be delivered to a flat, this information will be included on the request. If you are uncomfortable delivering to the address, or have tried and cannot gain access, you can ask the Operations Manager or your Hub Coordinator to arrange for the pack to be posted.

Remember - Never put yourself in a situation you are not comfortable with – boxes can be posted. Stay safe and if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to the Operations Manager or your Hub Coordinator.

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